Unfettered, finally

Flashback. Two days previous (A la Brick).

It never occurred to me how decidedly happy I can be. My trip to Batangas with my orgmates was indeed, time well spent.

Perhaps it was the nostalgia that triggered this uncanny feeling. Or maybe because I haven’t actually been to a serene beach for quite sometime, and I terribly miss it. I used to go for a swim everytime I feel cluttered for whatever reason that I soon forgot to appreciate a good swim for what it was. I love the waters. In some alternate universe, I think I would’ve been a mermaid, or some other sea creature (Maybe even a Squalus or Polypterus. Acipenser? Polyodon? Lepidostues? Amia? Protopterus? Lepidosiren? Or how about a Crepidula fornicata? Oh biology, look what you’ve done to me.) I would love to be one, though, if God permits.

Just being there, surrounded by the tropic trees (Cocos nucifera, Kingdom Plantae, Arecaceae! Here I go again..) and near the crisp blue waters revived so much of life in me. It reminded me of the short time I spent in Hawai’i in the summer of ’05. How the rays of heat from the noontime sun was akin to a gentle kiss on the back. How the saltwater film cascades down the skin after a long dip in the sea. I remember waking up early, joining my cousin Irene and her fiance, Randy Li at Waikele Beach at 5am to catch some good waves. It was never hard for me to wake up at that ungodly hour. The cold breeze cradles me until my senses awaken the next morning. Waking up to the sound of the waves, hitting the shore was even more relaxing. I remember too, how Gio and I would walk down the beach during the night, holding our slippers and admiring the surfboards parked ashore. I recall having to taste that awkward curry shrimp at the restaurant nearby. The creme brulee saved my stomach that night. The streets behind North Shore were very festive after daybreak.

Considering how forgetful I am, it amazes me how vivid these images still are. I really hope I could go back next summer. If I do, I won’t waste time sulking anymore. I will really learn how to surf and maybe, who knows, it may take awhile before I come back.

~ by taciturntable on October 29, 2008.

One Response to “Unfettered, finally”

  1. Nice article, great looking website, added it to my favs!!

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